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Harmony Lodge #61 AF&AM
350 S. Broadway, Denver, CO. 80209
Phone: 303-733-6036

"Making Good Men Better"
Freemasonry is a fraternity, an organization for men, much like a sorority is for women. It's a Brotherhood, an organization for men from all walks of life, who meet as equals and enjoy each other's company. Men of good moral character, who seek harmony with their fellow man, work toward self-improvement and wish to make this world a better place.
Masonic membership reflects a mosaic of society. Members include good men of every profession and all age groups, of all religions and of all social, economic and ethnic, backgrounds. Masons are Doctors, Architects, Ministers, Teachers, Farmers and Ranchers. Name a profession and you will find Masons.
All are welcome to visit the lodge and get to know the brothers during our monthly meals (most first Mondays and third Mondays starting at 6:30pm until the meeting starts at 7:30pm).
For more information on Freemasonry, please check: http://www.coloradofreemasons.org/membership/membership.shtml
To Contact:
email - harmonylodgecolorado@gmail.com
phone - 303-733-6036 Secretary's Phone Number