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A Division of Absolute Solutions, Inc.
Harmony Lodge #61 AF&AM
350 S. Broadway, Denver, CO. 80209
Phone: 303-733-6036

The annual communication of the Grand Lodge met on January 26th and 27th. You were represented by your Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens. Our new Grand Master is the Most Worshipful Brother David Reynolds. There were six amendments to the Grand Lodge Constitution and Bylaws presented for consideration, but only one, to section 231 on Certificate in Lieu of Dimit, was passed. The change will allow a brother who joins a petition to form a new lodge to retain his current lodge membership without dealing with additional paperwork. There was one resolution passed naming Grand Treasurer, Right Worshipful Jerry Fenimore an Honorary Past Grand Master.
One of the truly enjoyable aspects of attending the Grand Lodge meeting is reconnecting with brethren you know from around the state but don’t see regularly, as well as meeting new brothers. While only official delegates may vote, any Master Mason may attend, and I encourage especially any new Master Masons to do so in the future.
Robert Walker, PM
Senior Warden