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A Division of Absolute Solutions, Inc.
Harmony Lodge #61 AF&AM
350 S. Broadway, Denver, CO. 80209
Phone: 303-733-6036

Dear Brethren, Family, Members and Prospective Members,
The new year began busy as the 3 Main Officers attended the 163rd Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of Colorado at Grand Junction, Colorado. This is a great opportunity to interact with Brethren throughout the State, as well visiting Brothers from other states and jurisdictions. Exchanging ideas and visiting local Lodges is a great part of this honorable gathering! Masonic education is very important, and I invite all our members to participate actively to share their experiences and knowledge with our brothers. I will keep a special emphasis on this issue because we want everybody to participate with a seed of wisdom to share. As the year starts, we will work on the whole agenda for the full 2024, putting special emphasis on promoting the events that are becoming a tradition in Harmony Lodge. As part of the annual traditions, in March we will host the Monday Lodges reception with the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Colorado, Most Worshipful David L Reynolds PM, and we will hold a joint communication with Blackhawk Lodge No. 11 at the Eastern Star Masonic Campus! See the details under the Calendar of Events above. Once again, I call on all our brethren to please talk to their neighbors, friends, and family to make our lodge bigger!
Juan Carlos Millan, WM/PM