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Harmony Lodge #61 AF&AM
350 S. Broadway, Denver, CO. 80209
Phone: 303-733-6036

Thoughts from the south. As Juan, Robert and I are returning from the annual Grand Lodge session in Grand Junction, a few thoughts are occurring to me. Yes, we had a good time, had great fellowship with brothers from around the state that we don't see very often, and even managed to get a little work done. People told me that the train was too slow. I think in the rush and bustle of day-to-day affairs all too many members of the craft fail to find the time to continue their study of the great truths of Freemasonry. Many masons are content to rest on their laurels and, pleading the pressure of outside interests, let their minds decay, gradually losing sight of the high purposes of our fraternity. This attitude weakens the structure of the craft as a whole and causes the individual brother to miss the greatest joy of freemasonry. Further study and knowledge of its teachings. Further exploration of the teachings of Freemasonry is not difficult for the initiate, there are many ways of obtaining more Light. If time permits, serving in the chairs is a fantastic opportunity for more intensive study of the ritualistic work. Regular attendance at meetings, Degree Work, is highly valuable and instructive, as is participating in the work of the degrees. In addition to the oral methods of study there is a plethora of printed material available to the student of Freemasonry. The material for study is at hand and only waits for us to make use of it. Only a little time and effort is needed. The dividends the effort will pay are far greater than the exertion required. I think once we delve into the meanings and origins of Freemasonry, we'll want to continue our study of this fascinating subject with any prodding.
Don Hale, PM
Junior Warden