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A Division of Absolute Solutions, Inc.
Harmony Lodge #61 AF&AM
350 S. Broadway, Denver, CO. 80209
Phone: 303-733-6036

As we venture deeper into this year, I urge you to remember to pay your Dues if you owe any. One of the most painful duties I have is to inform the Lodge of members who may have to be suspended for not paying their dues. This hurts everyone in Masonry. It has many ramifications including the fact that we somehow failed these brothers in some way, along our Masonic journey. If I may, may I ask that you pray for our sick and distressed Brethren and their families. They need our support, and they are our brothers and members of our Masonic family.
Harmony extends Happy Birthday Wishes, to:
Jack Winey-3/7, Fred Taylor-3/11,
Randal Murphy-3/26 Ed Bushman-4/2, Mustafa Al Qaisi-4/2, Gary Eye-4/2,
Arbie Dillow-4/10, Delmar Carroll-4/11, John Johnson- 4/13, Willis Turner-4/24,
Todd Sweet-4/27, Jon Sanders-4/27
Bryan P. Schultz PM